One is Greater Than None

Monday, April 6, 2009

Thank You Emily Goldstein!

The 1>0 girls have been asked by so many other kids, "How can I help?", "What can I do to raise money so that I can donate it to your cause?"

Emily Goldstein, of the Jericho Middle School, decided to do something. She decided that it was time for her to help change the life of a child. She bought some bracelets and a tee shirt. By doing just that, Emily became "Part of the Equation". However, she did not stop there.

Emily was so moved with the girls' charity that she decided to tell her Community Service teacher, Ms. Kipnis, about the 1>0 girls and their mission. Together with the other members of the Jericho Middle School Community Service Class, they held a bake sale. Emily and her friends raised $1,039!

Who would have thought that something as simple as a bake sale could bring in such a huge donation!!!! In Emily's own words, "All of us here at Jericho, think it is amazing that you created this organization to save these children. You have really inspired us."

Well, Emily Goldstein, we have news for you. YOU, your Community Service class, Ms. Kipnis and all the students and teachers at Jericho Middle School are the ones who inspire the the 1>0 girls. They think that you are all AMAZING! It's people like you who "Make A Difference!"


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