One is Greater Than None

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Eric Peasah Came To New York!

Eric Peasah recently came to New York to spend some time with us. Eric Peasah is from the IOM and he is the man who performs the rescue missions to save the enslaved children in Ghana. He updated us on the IOM's current operations and gave us even more detailed information on the process of the rescue missions, as well as information on our children. Eric stayed for dinner and we spoke to him about slavery in Ghana, as well as the life of children in Ghana. He also told us about the Ghanian culture and he even taught us two songs! One song is called “Da Na Si”. The words are:

Da Na Si Da Na a si. Da unya me na si

The lyrics literally mean “Thank Him. Thank the Lord” and it is a very popular saying in Ghana. He also taught us another song that is popular in Africa, particularly in Kenya:

Jambo bwana

Habari gani?
Mzuri sana

Wageni mwakaribishwa

Kenya yetu

Hakuna matata

We are very fortunate to have such a close relationship with the three organizations that we support. It’s hard to believe that we have been able to accomplish so much in such a short amount of time. Three years ago, none of us would have imagined that we would be close friends with a man who lives halfway across the world, let alone saving the lives of children halfway across the world!

It was such a great and memorable night.


  • At April 28, 2010 at 6:19 PM , Blogger R. Sims said...

    Hi! You are an inspiration to me and my friends. We thank you so much and many children are grateful to you. Please check US out @ OR I hope we can become great friends. After, all we are in this together.


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